from google.auth import default
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
import requests
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SQL Query to find Time Difference between events
If we have data for each user Id and Timestamps of different events performed by the user,
we want to calculate the time elapsed between consecutive events for each user ID.
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Google CLoud Workflow Scripts!
1) The workflow appends query results to a bigquery dataset using the BigQuery connector.
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Authenticate BigQuery with Gcloud using Application Default Credentials
You need to have Google Cloud Shell SDK installed on your local machine - https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install Open Google Cloud SDK Shell and type the below command. gcloud auth application-default login This will open up a browser where you can authenticate. The above command then create an ‘application_default_credentials.json’ credential file in the...
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R Tips/Tricks/Bookmarks
Find R Version you are running in RStudio - R.version["version.string"].
Find Version of Specific Package - packageVersion("package_name").
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