Automatic Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using pandas-profiling package.
Warnings Tab is especially useful to spot data quality issues and remove unusable and strongly correlated features.
#!pip install pandas_profiling
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
#Pandas Profiling
profile = ProfileReport(df,title="Pandas Profiling Report")
Group Pandas Data Frame Features by type:
feats_dtypes_dict = df.columns.groupby(df.dtypes.astype(str))
num_feats = feats_dtypes_dict["float64"].to_list() + feats_dtypes_dict["int64"].to_list()
cat_feats = feats_dtypes_dict["object"].to_list()
Fetch all columns with missing values:
df.isna().sum().sort_values(ascending=False).where(lambda x: x!=0).dropna()