Using the Google Cloud Storage API with R
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Getting the Last Modified File from a Folder (R/Python)
Getting the Last Modified File from a Folder
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Parsing Arguments from command line to Python Scripts.
If you want to pass arguments to a python script at runtime through the command line, instead of pre-defining them inside the script, we can do this using the library argparse, which parses the commands input from the command line and passes them on to functions in your script.
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Create Anaconda Environment
When juggling with multiple projects and workstreams each of which has a disparate set of dependencies, it is a good idea to isolate your work environments. This not only keeps everything clean and organized, it also makes switching between different projects easier and in general is a good programming practice....
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Using a custom Font in HTML/CSS
To use a custom font in your HTML page, download the font, most preferably in “.woff” and “.woff2” formats as these render on almost all the common web browser available today. If you don’t have it in this format, you can upload your font here and download a webkit.
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